Save the dates: Here are some of our regular Professional Days, and Extended Holidays all rolled up into one convenient schedule.
2024 - 2025 Academic Year
Tuesday September 3rd, First day of school / Little Leaders re-opens
Monday September 30th, Closed for National Day for Truth, and Reconciliation
Friday October 11th, PD Day, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration required
Monday Oct 14th, Closed for Thanksgiving
Monday November 1st, PD Day, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration
Monday November 11th, Closed in lieu of Remembrance Day
Monday December 2nd, PD Day, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration
Friday December 20th, Last day of classes before Christmas Break
Monday December 23rd, PD Day, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration
Tuesday December 24th – Friday December 27th, Closed for Xmas Holidays
Monday December 30th, PD Day, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration
Tuesday December 31st, Closed New Years Eve
Wednesday January 1st Closed New Years Day
Thursday January 2nd, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration required
Friday January 3rd, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration required
Monday January 6th, Classes Resume
Monday February 17th, Closed for the Family Day Holiday
Tuesday February 18th, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration required
Wednesday February 19th, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration required
Thursday February 20th, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration required
Friday February 21st, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration required
Monday March 10th, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration required
Friday March 31st, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration required
Friday April 18th, Closed for Good Friday Holiday
Monday April 21st, Closed for Easter Monday
Tuesday April 22nd, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration required
Wednesday April 23rd, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration required
Thursday April 24th, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration required
Friday April 25th, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration required
Friday May 16th, PD Day, Open in our Kinder Care program, Pre-Registration required
Monday May 19th, Closed for Victoria Day
June 20th Last day of kindergarten
Wednesday June 25th, Last day of school for the year - Little Leaders School Programs close for summer
Summer Care will be provided at our KinderCare Program details to be announced.
PD Day Care @ Little Leaders Kinder Care / Merganser Program W
Full-Time Students Fee $30.00 / Drop-in Fee is $70.00